How my Bad Habits are related to the space-time continuum!

Samiksha Diwan
4 min readApr 1, 2022


Space. Science. Spirituality. And Writers;

Photo by Kendall Hoopes:

They might be dead by now, yet they are in our shared present time.
I am talking about billions of years old, Stars.

Writers are of a similar breed.

Most of us, If lucky enough, get famous after we are long gone from this planet. The remaining few get recognized for adding to the cultural zeitgeist of our times. And then comes majority of those unspotted Stars in Sky, light dimmer now, but in a process of becoming a full-fledged Celestial entity.

As a spiritual seeker, as a writer, as a functioning adult, I often find myself fluctuating between what I should be doing, What I am currently doing and what my future requires me to do.

There are only two dreams I am chasing right now. The third one is fulfilled.
Dream 1 is to publish a Meaningful Book that directs the collective mental evolution of entire humanity.
Dream 2 is to attain Enlightenment, or Eternal inner bliss, whichever comes first.
I don't do small. I don't particularly mind minor human aspiration.
I am just disappointed at the sheer lack of confidence in people. How do you even Live a Full life without it? It is as necessary as Oxygen.
I know where my confidence has come from, that is why I take such pride in it. If you want to know more, I recommend you read my article-

“Pay close attention to Loneliness”

Anyhoo, It wasn't an easy journey but oh, what a Journey it was!

Stars & Science had a lot to do with my confidence. But I did have major pitfalls. MAJOR ONES. I still do fall. Despite my high aspirations, I often find myself struggling with utter laziness, procrastination, negative thought patterns, inability to follow through and many more little things that come with living a Large Life as a tiny human in this vast Cosmos.

I do have one superpower though.
I carefully learned the skill of becoming whatever I need to become when the current situation demands it. If I need to be a super organized employee I become it. If I need to be an environmentalist, I become it. If I need to be a Rude person, to protect my human mental health imposed boundary, I become it. If I need to be a health-conscious individual, I become it too.
You get the idea.

I can break My identity, The Core of my being, for a Task that is meaningful to me.

Whenever I feel stuck, I sit on the Sofa that I have placed on My Terrace, gaze up at the sky, close my eyes and focus on my breathing. When I open my eyes, I pick one Star, mostly the dim ones, and focus on their visibility until they appear clearer, sharper, & brighter. Often then in my mind I repeat to myself, the glorious truth of our existing reality- “Past, present & future are happening simultaneously right now”

And if you question this scientific fact, You need to catch up on your reading on String theory, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, and My ever Favorite, The Observer effect. Basically, a detailed explanation of the significance of the above three theories will make you better understand the fact that your attention creates your reality.

“To be happy with yourself in the present moment while maintaining a dream of your future is a grand recipe for manifestation. When you feel so whole that you no longer care whether “it” will happen, that’s when amazing things materialize before your eyes.”

— Joe Dispenza.

The knowledge I have gained from my immense love of reading has led me here. One Story led me here. One person, who had no one similar to talk to, started scribbling their words on paper. Others read. Few connected. I was one of those who connected. I read more. I explored more. I started becoming like The Authors I read. So I CHOSE CAREFULLY. And then I selected the ones I truly wanted to be like. I watched their videos, their life stories, their accomplishments, I found others like them. The seed of curiosity became the Tall Tree. This is where I often come, to rest. Writing. Nothing more than structured thoughts, still what a Magic in itself.

Because Someone inspired me, it's up to me to inspire someone else. Circle of Life Baby.

You might not even hear from me or get to know me.
I might not reach the Fervidness, this Dream demands of me, I know all of that. But I am in the process. Just like those Night Stars, the dim one, slowly fuming Red and Blue. It's the Temperature polarity that makes them twinkle.

I twinkle too. I want to tell you, a Story too. Like a Grandma, who has lived her life, and loves you unconditionally, no matter how you are. My desire for connections increases my gravity. I will continue to shine just Like those stars you see. Someday, you might spot me too, and until then I will consistently & consciously be on my best self. This Writer will complete the circle of the Girl who found herself in the books. Just like my writers found me, I will find you, Too. :)

